Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blog Post 4

  1. Video: I made a video playlist on YouTube with three videos relating to technology and education in general and one addressing the digital divide. These videos captured my attention because they are short, well made, and knowledgeable.
  2. Links: I provide three links to educational journal or magazine websites that are highly respected in the education field. Education World, the U.S. Department for Education, and Edutopia are excellent resources for anyone who wants to learn more about a wide range of topics in education.
  3. Visitor Map: I used the visitor map gadget so that viewers can see where else people live who are accessing my blog. As more people visit the blog, the density of the red dots increase and it becomes more apparent where people who read my blog are from. If my students viewed my blog, this could create an interesting discussion about demographics or a project about graphing the regions of the country that viewers live. 
  4. My Blog List: I used a link to another blog that relates to mine. Her blog discusses the same issue mine does, accessibility so it is a good resource for viewers to use for more information.
  5. Picture: The picture at the bottom of my blog as a simple, easy on the eyes component on my blog. The picture shows the connection between learning and technology in a simple way. I placed it on the bottom of my blog because it provides a nice ending to the blog that is enjoyable for the viewer to end with.
  6. Polls: I asked my readers "Do you think each student should have a computer in an elementary classroom? This gadget gives readers the chance to vote on their opinion on this heated issue that is discussed in my final project blog.

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