Accessibility Overview


The Web’s founder, Tim Berners-Lee wanted the Internet to be a force of democratization of information. A wide array of information was provided about all subjects and the Internet was supposed to act as a “societal leveler” (Encyclopedia). However, this idealistic vision has taken a different course and has led to what is now known as the digital divide.

The term “digital divide” refers to the gap between individuals, families, schools, communities and/or geographic areas who are presented with different opportunities to access information, communication technology, and access to the Internet. The gap includes the actual access to Internet resources as well as skills needed to effectively participate in the digital world. A student’s education can be negatively affected if they do not have access to the Internet, skills to operate a computer or support at home.

Video located on Encyclopedia website

Discourse and published research about Internet have and have-nots officially began in the 1990s. In the 1990s, many people thought the digital divide was mostly related to racial disparities. However, after more discussion “ Jupiter Communications found the greatest disparity in Internet usage to be along income lines” (Ecommerce). As more knowledge is gained, the digital divide is considered a more holistic analysis of inequalities, including race, class, and geographic range. However, technology is not only thought about in regards to the negative effects of the digital divide. It can have a positive role in the classroom and outside of the classroom learning and communication.

For more information please see:
Digital Divide - A comprehensive encyclopedia site where information, facts, and pictures about Digital Divide can be found.
E-commerce, Mapping the Digital Divide - A website for the US Department of Commerce website with discussion and statistics on the digital divide.
My Coursework Archive page - A link to my Powerpoint Presentation about the digital divide and talking points used for giving the presentation to my PLN group.