Ms. Alpert's Classroom Newsletter - This is a welcome back newsletter I created for a third grade classrom using Microsoft Word.
Dinosaur Assignment Excel Assignment - Created two charts, a checklist, and gradebook with Excel.
Exploring Shapes Publisher - Used Microsoft Publisher to create a document that I could give to students in a shapes curriculum.
T-Shirt Flyer - Created a handout with Publisher to give to families showing the design of a school t-shirt and an order form.
Digital Divide PowerPoint and Talking Points Script - Created a PowerPoint about the information presented in my pages for my final project regarding accessibility.
In-Class Activities
Searching with Style Scavenger Hunt - I used Google to find information from scavenger hunt questions about various facts.
"What Were They Thinking" - Discussed teacher's appropriateness online.
The Profiler - I found information about a partner to show how easy it is to find someone's personal information on the internet.
Favorite Subject Pie Chart - I collected information on 12 people's favorite subject in school.